Each system and organ of the body has its own natural frequency of vibration. When the body is not functioning properly, be it physically, mentally or emotionally, the frequencies of the system or organ become compromised and out-of-balance. The weakened system or organ affects the health of the cells.
In a Vibrational Sound Therapy, session, various vibrating tuning forks, singing bowls, chimes, bells and voice, attuned to specific frequencies, are placed on and around the body to deliver optimal frequencies to the compromised area, thereby raising the vibrational rate of the body and re-establishing perfect resonance.
Working at the cellular level, these relaxing yet powerful vibrations revitalize, restore and rejuvenate cells, as well as transform cellular structure, thereby greatly supporting the body in its ability to self-heal.
Vibrational Sound Therapy increases the release of nitric oxide, a primary component of healthy cells, tissues and organs. Nitric oxide positively influences brain functioning, vascular health, immunity, the nervous system and more. Further, Vibrational Sound Therapy helps to produce endorphins, thereby allowing patients to experience reduced pain and increased optimism.
The late Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, Oncologist and Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York highly recommended Vibrational Sound Therapy in addition to conventional medicine. Dr. Gaynor stated that "Vibrational Sound Therapy brings about calm, and calm patients often have stronger immune systems, significantly decreased stress hormones, and are better able to ensure the psychological and physical effects of treatment and dis-ease."
Nearly all medical, emotional, physical and psychological conditions benefit from Vibrational Sound Therapy. Many hospitals, dental and medical offices are employing this non-invasive therapy to augment their patients’ health and wellness plans.