What is Energy Medicine?
Quantum physicists, scientists and mathematicians teach that “Everything is Energy,” that the entire world, including the human body, is composed of Energy.
Modern scientists are now proving that the human body not only contains “Physical Systems” (such as the Circulatory, Lymphatic and Vascular Systems), but that the body is also comprised of various interdependent fields of Energy or “Energetic Systems” that play a critical role in our health and well-being. This knowledge and understanding is the foundation of Energy Medicine.
Science has proven that Energy exists in various forms; Chemical Energy, Nuclear Energy, Radiant Energy, Thermal Energy and Kinetic Energy are but a few.
The Energy forms utilized in Energy Medicine are Electromagnetic Energy, Electrical Energy and Subtle Energy. These three forms of Energy play a vital role in one’s physical, mental and emotional health.
Energy exists all throughout the body; in the cells, as well as within the spaces between the cells. Conventional Medicine tends to focus upon the biochemical aspects of the body. Working with the Electromagnetic, Electrical and Subtle Energy fields through Energy Medicine, the atomic and sub-atomic levels of the organizational structure of the human body are accessed. Addressing this deep level of Energy provides an outstanding opportunity for improved health within the tissues, organs and cells, and also helps to enhance one’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
Energy Medicine is both a complement to other approaches of Medical Care and is also a complete system on its own for self-care and well-being.
When an individual is not living optimally, Energy will become stagnant, weakened, blocked, depleted or somehow compromised over time.
Compromised Energy negatively impacts the way one feels physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Diet, exercise, genetics, habits and lifestyle practices, as well as one’s disposition, thoughts, emotions and sleep all affect the quality of Energy. Scientific research has proven that the body is designed for self-healing. Keeping our Energy as free-flowing and healthy as possible, greatly assists the self-healing process. |
What are the of BENEFITS OF ENERGY Medicine?
The interconnectedness of the mind, body and spirit is a fundamental principle of Energy Medicine. As such, Energy Medicine vastly supports the comprehensiveness of the whole being. When the Energy within the body is flowing freely and fully, improvements are realized on all levels. Although benefits vary by individual, many people experience:
Reduced Side Effects of Radiation and Chemotherapy Treatments
Reduced Anxiety and Depression
Stronger Immune System
Reduction in Symptoms of PTSD, ADHD and ADD
Clarity, Calm and Peace of Mind
Reduction in Stress and Improved Coping Skills
Reduced Migraines and Headaches
Reduction in Asthma and Other Breathing-Related Conditions
Improved Sleep and Relaxation
Increased Vitality and Optimism
Accelerated Healing Time from Broken Bones, Surgeries, Traumas and Illness
Improved Coping with Addictions and Challenging Behaviors
Improved Emotional Wellness
Lessened Effects of Diabetes, Hypertension and Other Dis-Eases
Reduced Muscle and Joint Tension, Aches and Pains
Increased Fertility Rates
Balanced Hormones
Improved Eye Conditions
Improved Repair and Regeneration of Cells and Tissues to Slow the Aging Process
Fewer Side Effects Associated with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Arthritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus
Reduced Side Effects of Radiation and Chemotherapy Treatments
Reduced Anxiety and Depression
Stronger Immune System
Reduction in Symptoms of PTSD, ADHD and ADD
Clarity, Calm and Peace of Mind
Reduction in Stress and Improved Coping Skills
Reduced Migraines and Headaches
Reduction in Asthma and Other Breathing-Related Conditions
Improved Sleep and Relaxation
Increased Vitality and Optimism
Accelerated Healing Time from Broken Bones, Surgeries, Traumas and Illness
Improved Coping with Addictions and Challenging Behaviors
Improved Emotional Wellness
Lessened Effects of Diabetes, Hypertension and Other Dis-Eases
Reduced Muscle and Joint Tension, Aches and Pains
Increased Fertility Rates
Balanced Hormones
Improved Eye Conditions
Improved Repair and Regeneration of Cells and Tissues to Slow the Aging Process
Fewer Side Effects Associated with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Arthritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus